Q.If the ship is severely listed, how to find out if the ship is at an angle of loll?

Answer 2 Answers

If there is no cargo shift or ballast water transfer or fuel transfer still vessel list to one side that means angle of loll. Better to check stability computer , if GM neutral that means angle of loll. In normal list GM is positive.


Ballast or press up tanks on listed side to correct it OR remove cause of it, that is one which is raising centre of gravity.

Ankit Dubey

Ankit Dubey

May 14, 2018

Check for the list moments. List moments on the port side should be same to the list moments on starbard side. Very the tank soundings and cargo shify. If gm is neutral it is at the angle of loll..

MohammedRafat Butt

MohammedRafat Butt

Jun 13, 2018

These are theoretical answers. Angle of loll would normally not develop suddenly. There will be signs of tender stability. A prudent seafarer should be aware and should be in sync with the feel of the ship. Running the ship by the seat of your pants. No doubt you must verify any unexplained list and confirm distribution of weights. But the first indicator when the ship is severely listed at sea - and it is rolling very very slowly around the angle of list then it is at angle of loll. It must be remembered that there will be a very negligible residual GM still active. If at berth it would be resting very heavily against the berth - due to the effect of moorings. Either ways it is in a very precarious state and should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Johnny Anthonny

If there is any doubt as to whether the ship is lolled or listed, always initially assume  it is a Lolled situation and take appropriate action, monitoring the situation carefully. When correcting a list it is sufficient to shift a weight to the high side.  This may be achieved by shifting weights on deck or by transferring ballast from a  listed side tank to a high side tank. Alternatively, excess ballast from the listed side  (possibly low down in the ship) may be discharged or a low tank on the high side should be filled.

To treat a loll situation in the same way would have disastrous consequences