Q.In the "BW maple" and "Dawn Kanchipuram" collision off Chennai, Who will pay for the pollution damages when India has not ratified bunker convention ?

Answer 1 Answers

Even though Indian Government has okeyed ratification of Bunker convention last year India has not yet ratified the Bunker convention.

But India has ratified the CLC 92 convention. Even though the original CLC 69 did not cover the pollution from the tanker in ballast and pollution from the bunker oil of the tanker. In the 1992 amendments to the CLC convention, few changes were brought including that CLC 92 covers pollution from the bunker oil also.

Now there was a bunker pollution incident off Chennai following the collision of tankers "BW Maple" and "Dawn Kanchipuram". 

So in this incident, the costs will be covered by insurance set up by the vessels in question under CLC convention 92.

Manoj Kumar

Manoj Kumar

May 13, 2017

Thank you Sir.This is a much hyped question In DG these days.Capt Muduli is asking almost everyone , but non able to satisfy his query.

Rajeev Jassal

May 15, 2017

I am sure this answer will be accepted by him..If not, let me know..

Ramachandran Madhaiyan

Ramachandran Madhaiyan

May 14, 2017

Thank you for the information

Rajeev Jassal

May 15, 2017

Thank you Ramachandran..